People Are Sharing Stereotypes About Their Home Countries, Some Of Which Are Completely False (While Others Are, In Fact, True)

People Are Sharing Stereotypes About Their Home Countries, Some Of Which Are Completely False (While Others Are, In Fact, True)

So Redditor u/Odd_Employee_7004 asked, "What is the main stereotype about your country?" So whether totally unfounded or laughably accurate, here's what people said.

1. Egypt: "We all ride around on camels. I'm an Egyptian, and I have never seen a camel in real life."

Two people riding camels by the Egyptian Pyramids.

Emma Tyers / Getty Images



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2. Switzerland: "Everything is clean, and everything is wildly expensive. Yes, this is entirely true."

A town square in Switzerland.

Michael Robinson / Getty Images


3. Canada: "That we're all really polite and we put maple syrup on everything. (At least the maple syrup stereotype is true, though.)"



4. New Zealand: "That we all say stuff like 'put another shrimp on the barbie.' Shrimp is not a thing here. We call them prawns."

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5. South Africa: "That we don't have paved roads, cities, electricity, or any of the modern conveniences, it's just jungle filled with animals where everyone lives in mud huts. I wouldn't say these stereotypes annoy me, but they certainly amuse me."

Downtown Cape Town with mountains behind it.

Mlenny / Getty Images



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6. India: "That all we eat is curry. We have thousands of different dishes, and not everything is spicy."

A spread of Indian food.

Lisovskaya / Getty Images/iStockphoto


7. Poland: "That the whole country is a grey, depressing wasteland. In reality, it's a very beautiful place with tons of gorgeous nature."

A mountain view in Poland.

Tomasz Poraj / Getty Images/EyeEm


8. Germany: "Our stereotype is best told with a joke: 'How many Germans do you need to change a light bulb?' One. We are very efficient and not funny."



9. Ireland: "That we drink a lot of alcohol and our diet consists entirely of potatoes."
