Former Friends Of Party Animals Are Revealing How Their Friends Turned Out Post-College, And It's Really Unexpected


Former Friends Of Party Animals Are Revealing How Their Friends Turned Out Post-College, And It's Really Unexpected

They say that we have to work hard to play hard. However, in my personal experience, some of the richest people are the ones that play hard and barely work at all. I was reminded of this when u/ihaveaclip4urclique asked college alums, "What happened to that friend that never stopped partying?"
United Artists
While some responses were dark and unfortunate, the overwhelming majority speak to how some people will always fail up, no matter what they do:
Note: This post contains mentions of drug use.

1. "He drank with the right executives at a conference and got offered a job. He now makes three times what I do."
asleep during work presentation
Fizkes / Getty Images/iStockphoto
"He's definitely slowed down in his drinking and drug use, mostly because of his weight gain from all the alcohol intake over the years. He still parties though. Just recently, he managed to land a contract with a huge company despite initially being called 'so f*cking unprofessional' by their CIO because he showed up to their meeting super hungover." —u/Moctor_Drignall

2. "His trust fund still pays more than twice my salary per month, while he makes $200,000 a year at a large tech company, with his communications degree, that he got because his mom was friends with one of the board members."

3. "One is a doctor in his hometown. The other is a lawyer with multiple articles published."
brett kavanaugh being sworn into supreme court
Handout / Getty Images

4. I worked at a bar in college, and my friends worked at other bars, so I knew so many people who drank a lot. Most of them went on to be in sales or some other job where interpersonal communication skills are more valued than raw academic skills. Some of them are doing very well."

"I've been bartending for 15 years now. Those same people keep coming in to drink, but now it's with coworkers and clients. They rack up huge tabs and tip the best." —u/Minimum_Attitude6707

5. "A friend of mine in college pulled a Van Wilder and spent seven years getting his bachelor's degree because he liked partying so much. He lived in our college's 'dedicated party house' that had just two modes: Actively throwing a wild party, or recovering from the latest party. Eventually, he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering, moved to the East Coast, got married, and became a born-again Christian. He seems happy and successful, and just had his first kid recently. It's absolutely weird seeing him post pictures of him getting adult-baptized and doing mission work when I once saw him rail cocaine off of a blow-up sex doll."
Ryan Reynolds in "Van Wilder"
Artisan Entertainment
"What was wild about him was that even though he lived a party lifestyle, he got excellent grades and took phenomenal care of himself...when he wasn't getting blackout-wasted and having weird sex-capades. He was the person who actually got me into running and marathons." –u/GlastonBerry48


6. "He just got his PhD in particle physics. He started tutoring on Twitch for free. He also started a clothing brand, DJs, and holds festivals in the desert. Seems like he’s doing just fine."
Matt Winkelmeyer / Getty Images for Coachella

7. "Dude has an amazing career, is wildly intelligent, and has a great house in a warm area. He's an absolute drunk though. I think out of the last six times I've spoken to him, he's been maybe sober once."

8. "I lived in a house with a bunch of guys. One of them was in electrical engineering. He got a job at Applebees for some extra cash and started having parties with work people after work, at three in the morning. That made it hard to make class, so he dropped a semester. We all graduated and he said he would refocus on school soon, but he was having too much fun partying. I went back to college 20 years later for a football game, and he was still working at Applebees. He's the creepy guy who acts like he is best friends with a bunch of 20-year-olds. He’s a mess."
