27 Guys Who Have SEVERELY Unrealistic Expectations Of Women


27 Guys Who Have SEVERELY Unrealistic Expectations Of Womens

2. This guy who expects that women will have sex with him, and if not, they MUST be asexual:

3. This guy who expects every waitress at Hooters to flirt with him:

4. This guy who expects women to look like cartoon characters:

5. This guy who expects women to date him because he spent $1000 on a Jimmy Buffett-themed bathroom:

6. This guy who expects women to not wear sportswear...to the gym:

7. This guy who expects women to not have opinions, and who's also willing to die on this hill:

8. This guy who expects women to be flattered after he stalks them:

9. This guy who expects that texting random numbers will get him "a nice lady":

10. This guy who expects a "decent looking woman" because he has a mustache:


11. This guy with a giant ego who expects to find a woman with no ego:

12. This guy who expects attention because he's not like other guys:
